#61: Imprinting Healthy Nervous System Activation in Your Business

What does it mean to reweave the imprints within your nervous system in your business? In other words, why is it so important to achieve this imprint of healthy activation or doing inside of your business? This is exactly what we’ll dive into in this episode of The Soma Sense.

First, I discuss what it looks like for our nervous system to activate and take action. Then, we take a look at what it means to heal our nervous system from hustle culture. We look at the moments in your business that felt good in your body, and how the many “shoulds” on how we approach business growth fuel how we take action.

Each one of our businesses is meant to look different, which is why it’s so important to assess what feels good and what feels constricting in our business. Tune in to this episode and learn how and why it’s so important to imprint healthy nervous system activation in your business.

We'll dive into:

  • What does it look like for our nervous system to activate and take action?

  • What does it mean for us to heal our nervous system from hustle culture?

  • Addressing the “shoulds” in how we approach business growth and how it fuels the way we take action

  • Identifying what feels good and what feels constricting in business

  • The importance of having a healthy activation level in our nervous system

  • Hello beautiful beings of light. And welcome back to the podcast. In this episode, what we're going to be diving into is talking about the imprint of healthy activation, or doing inside of your business. And why that is so important for you to tap into, as you grow and scale your business. One of the huge missing components that I see inside of the nervous system conversation, especially when it comes to business growth, is what does it actually look like, for our nervous system to activate and take action in a really healthy way. We have brought so much beautiful awareness to the importance of the body to the importance of the nervous system, in our ability and capacity to not only thrive in our life, but also to thrive in our business, both from the space of feeling nourished and feeling good inside of our business. And also from the space of receiving more money receiving really resonant clients into our business.

    So we're in the space and the evolvement. of you know, the nervous system healing and expansion work, were so many of the clients that I worked with, have done a ton of healing of their nervous system, because they recognized how past working habits have burnt them out. Right have recognized how some of the push on the hustle culture has really impacted them negatively, right in not just their life, but also in their business and how they're scaling. And the huge gap that I see is that we don't truly know how to translate all of this beautiful healing work inside of the nervous system into the doing and the action inside of our business. Right. So there's this imprint that's wanting to be activated in each one of us, that is going to allow us to work and be in action or business from a completely different paradigm.

    This work when we talk about nervous system business growth, at its core is about changing the way we work in the world, right? It's about changing the way we take action. Because we have all experienced we have all been conditioned to work from the hustle space, right? We've all been conditioned to take action from the push. We've all been conditioned to disconnect from our bodies, when we are working, right? When we are taking action, it's automatic. And what happens when we are in disconnection from our bodies, what happens then what happens is that we can actually feel and attune to how extractive something is right? How extractive our work is, right? And that is what contributes to that hustle culture, that extraction culture that we've all grown up in right in systems and structures that have been really a representation of toxic capitalism, right toxic systems that extract from us that extract from our health, from our well being right in order to achieve. And so we are all being invited to actually reprogram the imprint that we have of how we work and how we take action. And this is 100% Such an important piece of really living leading and growing your business in resonance with your nervous system.

    One of the things that we tend to associate most often with nervous system regulation are states of peace, calmness and rest. Right? And those are important states for us to gain safety in as part of this work. And it's not the only example of a nervous system that is regulated, right? nervous system regulation looks lots of different ways. And one of the ways that it looks like is you feeling it citement you feeling pleasure, you feeling this activation in your body that is allowing you to mobilize in your business, from this truly resonant and aligned space within you. So the goal of nervous system business growth, is to support you to tune into what that imprint is within you, right? Because we all have a different imprint of what it means for us to be in healthy activation in our work in action mode. And so what that looks like for me is going to look so different for you.

    And there's a couple of factors that come into that. One, we all have a really unique energy that we bring in. And so some of us are, you know, really energetic, right, really naturally energetic folks. And so the way that you show up, inside of action in your business is going to look different than me, who tends to have more ebbs and cycles, with my energy and with how I'm meant to work in the world. You can look at a system like human design that really talks about this, right, that talks about the different energies that are just embedded within us, because we're all unique individuals, right. And so we all need something different, that's going to help us to tap into our most productive, and also most luscious and nourished self when we're working. So the first component of that is our energy, right? The other component of that is other things within our nervous system. So it has to do with the experiences that we've had in our nervous system and what our capacity is to work and take action. And what imprint already exists there. And also our nervous system imprint comes from the healing work that we've already done, right? And some of the places that we've already shifted within us. So there are many factors that come into Who are you, when you are in really healthy activation, right in the way that you take action in the way that you work. There's a natural rhythm that exists in each one of us. That's also particular often to women, right? In terms of our menstrual cycles, as well, like there's a specific rhythm that we want to tune into in terms of what phase of our cycle we're in. And all of that affects our nervous system, right? All of that affects how we take action in any specific moment in time. In other words, it isn't static. It's something that evolves, right? It's something that shifts and changes based off of, you know, what you're experiencing in your life in that moment, what's happening inside of your environment, what's happening in the world, right, our nervous system is relational. So we are constantly being affected by so many rhythms that are within us and around us. It's an ecosystem.

    And so we haven't really created the bridge between what does it mean for us to heal our nervous system from this hustle, hustle culture, right, and shift into feeling safe with being peace and peaceful and calm and feeling safety with more rest, and then translating that and getting our nervous system into a really healthy activation space where we are accessing beautiful, expansive emotions, we're building our nervous system capacity to hold, you know, more action, more work from this space of it feels good, it feels exciting, it feels pleasurable to do what I'm doing in my business. Right. And so we are just beginning to build that bridge. And that is so much of the essence of what nervous system business growth supports you to do. It supports you to find that imprint of healthy activation, and what that actually looks like for you, without you having to mirror my own work habits or the way that I show up in my business or the way that I launch the way that I market and sell right? Because it's gonna be so unique to you and who you are, and what your work in the world is meant to be and how you're meant to show up right?

    And so, we're wanting to really understand what can it feel like for business to feel good for business to feel pleasurable for me to take action from that space and remain within my window of tolerance, right, not push past my upper limit and essentially up into a space where I'm burning myself out, right, where I'm taking action from out of resonance with how my body is speaking to me with what my nervous system actually needs in that moment. And so what I often find to be true for a lot of entrepreneurs that I've worked with, is, we tend to go into extremes, right? Because we don't have that healthy imprint of activation in our business, we tend to go into extremes. And those extremes look like, we're either, you know, in hustle go mode, going way past our window of tolerance in order to work, work, work. And then essentially, our nervous system collapses. And we kind of get into this, like freeze response, right? Where, you know, we feel immobilized to do where we feel an avoidance of doing.

    And most entrepreneurs kind of pendulum between those two extremes, essentially expending so much energy that the nervous system collapses, and then freezes in order to protect itself, right. And so what all of us are being called into is finding that ground in the middle, where we are expending our energy really appropriately in resonance with what our nervous system is calibrated to, while at the same time, allowing ourselves really appropriate time to recover, to rest, to listen to what the body needs. One of the things that I often witness in entrepreneurs is that entrepreneurs do not give themselves enough time and space to recover and integrate. So what can happen most often, and how we are trained in our nervous systems, is that, you know, we're trained to go go go and take action and do all of the things. But we actually don't understand our limits, we don't understand what our upper limit is. And then we essentially get into this space where like, Oh, I wish I should probably rest. But we first actually don't allow ourselves to fully sink into that and create permission for that. And second, we don't stay in rest long enough either to recover and to allow our system to support itself through those action periods where there's more energy being expended. Right. And so, because our recovery isn't enough, right, isn't substantial enough for the amount of energy and go that we're exerting at any one moment, that essentially then contributes to your nervous system burning out over time

    We not only want to learn the language of our body, the language of how our nervous system is communicating to us that we've reached an upper limit. But we also want to learn the language of, you know, what does it mean for me to truly receive rest to to truly receive recovery fully, and to know, the signs when my body is saying go, like to know the signs of where my action is being fueled, from my place of overflow, right? And so these are all components that come into developing a really healthy activation inside of your nervous system when it comes to work in action.

    One of the things that I want to invite you to ask yourself is, has there been a moment in my business in the way that I've worked or taken action before, that has really felt good in my body, that has felt resonant for my energy level, that has allowed me to feel this genuine excitement and expansion in the way that I've taken action? Now, this can be in your business, but it can be in any other kind of Avenue? Like even maybe, when you were in school? Like what did it feel like to take resonant action? It can be in other areas, or even if you've seen and witnessed someone who has done that, can you imagine what that could be like, can you open up that possibility within your consciousness, and then tap into what could that feel like in my body? To be in that? Can I go back to a time where I actually felt that and how does that past self feel in that expression of action and work in her business? What sensations was she touching it to what was she feeling inside of her body? And that can be such a powerful starting point for your nervous system to learn how to mobilize in really healthy ways. And that can really start to shape how you then begin to show up in your business.

    This is about attunement to allowing your action to come from not from the shoulds, not from the I have to do this not from guilt, not from shame, right, not from any of those contracting emotions that can often put us into action mode in our business, not from lack, right, not from anxiety or fear or worry, that we won't make the money that we want to make whatever it is. But what would it feel like for you to mobilize in your business? From a place of safety? From a place of overflow from a place of excitement? And pleasure? Is that something you can access in your body? Right? From a place of desire, creative fire? Right? What does that feel like in your body, and allow yourself to anchor in there, allow yourself to feel it? Yeah, to feel what it could be like to take action from just that space inside of your business. There are so many shoulds in how we approach our business growth. And this absolutely fuels the way that we take action. And that steps us out of resonance with our own essence for how we are meant to use our energy in our business.

    There's a lot of shoulds, there's a lot of taking action from like, oh, I guess I have to do this, oh, if I don't do this, then this won't drive people to my website, or whatever it is, right? There's a lot of anxiety, there's a lot of stress that fuels our action steps in business. And we forget to check in with our bodies, we don't sink in deeper to truly understand what resonance and harmony feels like from the bottom up, right, where we're not just thinking with the head in terms of action. But we're we're allowing your Soma, your body to connect with the mind, and be in partnership with one another as you're taking action. And so this isn't to say that everything in your business is going to feel good, right? Because we absolutely do have to step into discomfort in our doing in order to create expansion, right, it's about being on the really appropriate edge of our discomfort in order to really expand. But there's a difference between the discomfort of doing something new, or the discomfort of doing something you're afraid of because it's somehow stretching, who you perceive yourself to be, or what's felt safe for you before and the pushing outside of your own window of tolerance, the pushing that comes from consistent and persistent stress response within the nervous system. Those are two very different energies inside of the body.

    So part of the invitation is to also discern. We want to be stretching ourselves into our edges to you know, maybe challenge some of the fears that we have of being seen in our business that might be showing up and distinguish that from where we are really driving our entire business and our entire action from the stress response from anxiety from worry, from lack. Right. And so knowing the difference in your body is going to create such a difference in how your business feels and also how you achieve resonance within the ecosystem of your business. How ease more easily you attract clients, right? How much more easily you step into launches, and how you feel within that space. All of that impacts this, right. And when we are truly able to learn and tune into our own resonance from the nervous system, and really allow this healthy activation to become imprinted over time. This is not like all of a sudden you just start with a healthy activation in your nervous system. you calibrate to it right? You relieve yourself to it through adjusting through every single launch.

    But once you really start to live, lead and grow your business in that way. that then trickles down into the unique approaches that you have for launching and selling in your business. It informs the way that you launch the way that you show up in your launches, how you launch, right? The structure that you use for the launch itself, it impacts right how you market how you message and talk. Because when you are in some type of nervous system regulation in your system, you are able to really allow your messaging the way that you speak out into the world to come from this truly integrated space inside of you. And that makes for such more useful sales, right? So much more connection with the people who are meant to step into your containers and work with you. It impacts the entire ecosystem of your business, because you are in regulation response.

    This level of really tuning into the imprint of a healthy activation in your nervous system trickles out into how you do and take action. But it also trickles out into the unique blueprint that you have for launches, somatic strategies, right the structures and the systems in your business, and how that can actually come into true alignment with you. Each one of our businesses is meant to look different, how I run my business, how I structure my business is very particular to me, and how is most natural and easeful for me to work inside of my business, I have a big team, right? Because one of the ways that my energy becomes unlocked and unleashed in my business is through massive support through me delegating a time. And I think that can actually be true for so many entrepreneurs. But it's especially true for me as a manifester in human design, and in how I work for you, the kind of team that I have, the kind of systems that I have, might look very different, you might not need as many team members, you might be a little bit more lean, but that's actually the perfect amount for you to have a healthy level of mobilization without stretching yourself past your capacity and doing all of the things. So you're receiving the appropriate amount of support, right, but enough support to where you're allowing your natural energy to function through your business.

    There are no concrete rules on how to build and scale and grow a business. A lot of people will tell you that there are that you have to do X, Y and Z, right that there's a formula or like this certain pathway. And so many of them are simply teaching, this is what has worked for me, which I think for some people, right, who are taught that it can work for them, because maybe they have similar energy types, or similar experiences, and that can help them unlock something in their business. However, the true and deep medicine is a tuning to what your own unique pathway is. Because there's no one way to build a successful business. It happens through your own attunement through your own resonance within your own ecosystem, through listening to your own natural rhythms and calibrating your business to that. And from this somatic space inside of you is where truly resonant strategies, systems, structures, marketing, sales and launching approaches emerge, right? Because when we approach our business from the bottom up, that is when we can truly feel like our business is holding us, like our business is supporting all of us. And where we can truly actually tap into a level of ease and pleasure and peace with how our business flows with how clients come in with how money is received. Right. There's a very tangible ripple effect of having a nervous system that is really activated in a healthy way with the work and the doing.

    I really want to invite you into thinking about what are things that my business that I am doing right now. That feels so constricting? That feel like a should that feel like you have to write? What are those things? Can I list them? Can I tune into them in my body to understand what they are? And then look at? Are there ways that I can make this more easeful for myself? Are there ways that I can allow this to feel more pleasurable in my body? Are there people that I can hire that I can offload some of these tasks to create more space? For me to be in resonance with how I'm supposed to be doing in my business? Right? What feels good in my business? And what feels constricting? And when constructing things? Is there a way to shift my experience of them? Or do I need to release them fully? Because it's a should that doesn't actually apply? Or, you know, mean, that it's going to be successful for me?

    Because we have all these unwritten rules about business, right? That are oftentimes completely unnecessary for us to actually have the success that we want. Or out of those things do I need to hire someone to just do this in my business, right. And so it's tuning into those things and letting yourself lead your business, from your desire from that feel good energy, which again, doesn't mean that you won't be stepping into some kind of discomfort. But it does mean that your business actually gets to feel good and actually gets to resonate with how you do desire to hold your business. And so that simple, attunement can actually reveal so much about where you're acting outside of your window of tolerance of you know, what is maybe natural for your own system, and can help you to start to find resonance in your business more and more.

    Our mind really likes to overcomplicate business quite a bit. It's really easy to make the most simple things complex, including taking action. So thinking about how can I simplify? How can I step out of perfectionism, in my business to allow it to be more useful, can often really unlock so much in our system, for us to access a different kind of ease with action steps, and that will allow you to also imprint a different kind of healthy activation in the body with how you work and take action. And most of all, what's also really important when you are in the space of taking a lot of action in your business, like I'm currently in that space, in my own business. And what is important for us in moments where we are really honoring that natural creative energy like I am tapping into our natural sense of excitement with what we're putting out into the world is that alongside all the action that we're taking, we're also really acknowledging the natural stopping point that our body always tells us about, right.

    So in any given day, even though I have more energy than I normally do, as a manifester, in my rest cycles, there's a natural point in the day where my body just says, stop, you are done. And what I've learned over time is that that is when I stop whether or not I've gotten my to do list done, whether or not I have 500 other things to do, I will often cancel the rest of my day, cancel appointments, cancel all of the things to honor my body's stopping point. And from that point on, what I'm doing is I'm nurturing. I'm stepping into pleasure practices. I am allowing myself to rest if that's what my body is calling for. I'm allowing myself to play, right to go and do things that really opened me up in different ways. Like sometimes I love you know, going into town and you know, doing a little bit of window shopping, I love small little boutiques, they just opened up my body and my nervous system. And I can tell that when I walk into the store, putting myself in environments that evoked a sense of pleasure and play by myself flowers right eating chocolate, sitting outside in the grass dancing. You know, this can look so many different ways pleasure practices, playful practices, can look so different across the board.

    But listening to the stop and letting my nervous system become replenished. In all of these different ways, grows my nervous system capacity to both hold the action that I'm taking while remaining in my window of tolerance. And also allowing myself to through that lens actually expand my capacity to receive, right, because I'm building my capacity to hold more pleasure with the action that I'm taking my capacity to hold more goodness, in my life and in my business, right, that's all expanding my capacity. Right. And I might stretch into my edges at times with that, but that's actually a really healthy and good thing. And as long as I don't step outside of my window of tolerance for too long, and let my nervous system recover, that is what allows you to really build that healthy activation level in the nervous system with work and doing.

    One of the other things that I really want to mention that I think is super important is that this isn't about always keeping your nervous system in a perfect state of regulation when it comes to work. And doing that is literally impossible for us as human beings. And it's actually not necessary. And one of the things that we are actually really trying to do through the nervous system work is to create flexibility in the nervous system. So the goal is not to always be regulated, but it is to allow our nervous system to some sometimes experience stress, right. And when we experience stress to then also allow ourselves to appropriately recover, right? It's not that I don't get stressed in launches, it's not that I don't get stressed, in different moments in my business, it's going to happen, right?

    When you are growing your business, when you are expanding, when you are pushing, you know, against some of the edges in your body, that is going to happen, you're going to get stressed. What is important about the process is that you let yourself recover that you can tune into that when you're pushing against past that window of tolerance and that you can let yourself properly recover. Right. And that is what creates a flexible nervous system. So one of the things that I found over time is that I will hop into stress, right, I'll hop into a stress response and anxiety response, a worry response to my nervous system. But when I recognize that very quickly, I hear the cues of my body. And I allow myself to actually listen to that. And then nurture my nervous system in the way that it needs to be nurtured listening to my body. And I can recover within like two or three hours, I feel an incredible shift in my nervous system back into regulation.

    So in other words, we're not reinforcing this chronic cycle of stress and push, we're allowing ourselves to naturally recover, create flexibility in our nervous system, which then allows us to really appropriate step in and out of regulation. And that allows us to expand so beautifully. So it's not about avoiding contraction, or avoiding stress altogether. It's about you know, building our capacity to recover and be more flexible in our nervous system. And so, a lot of the time, what I see entrepreneurs struggling with is, especially if they've been recovering from burnout, or you know, various ways of working and doing that has pushed them way outside of their window of tolerance is there can be a lot of fear around them stepping into action again, because it's something that has led to, you know, really chronic stress, like potentially health issues, a lot of negative impacts that have happened within their life and their business. And so there can often be a really protective freeze or flight response or fawn response in the body. Because the body doesn't want to experience that again, right? We want our tendency is to avoid the things that have caused us pain in some way.

    And so one of the pieces that, you know if that's where you're finding yourself to step into, is letting yourself step into action and small little chunks, steps of activation in small little chunks in a very intentional way that allows you to listen when you step into stress response, and really practicing those pleasure practices, those nervous system relaxation practices to help build your nervous system capacity to hold both some of that stress and also the regulation at the same time. It's really normal for us to be in the both and have an experience both feeling stressed but also able to access it Use other parts of us that feel pleasure, ease and peace. Right? And so with someone who's been burnt out, they actually haven't experienced the pleasure, ease and peace with work. And so we want to lean into what can that feel like? What can that look like? Can we even start small, and feel that in one moment inside of your doing, and then anchor into that sensation in the body? What does that actually feel like in the body, and let yourself stay there, let yourself be in the sensation, let yourself build that wiring inside of your nervous system.

    And with time, you will see that build up, you will see your nervous system capacity built up to hold the pleasure and the ease and the peace in working and taking action. And then shifting into a stress response is going to be totally become safe enough for you. Because you're going to find that flexibility to really shift back into the regulation response. Right. So these are all different ways that you get to, like reweave, right, the imprints within your nervous system in the way that you work and take action. And so I want to invite you, if this isn't something that you've intentionally worked with, if this isn't something that you've even thought about, because we all tend to focus on the nervous system healing work, right? But not think about, okay, like, what does it mean for me to be in really healthy activation in my doing an action steps in business, that you start to open this up for yourself, because I do see a huge disconnect between, you know, how we are being right how you're being. And then if that translates into our business, it can be really easy for us to feel it in one area, but then not know how to imprint to into business in the way that we work and do in the world. And so this is taking it to the next step to the next level.

    And this is actually exactly what we do inside of The Body Codex, which is my new program that supports you to scale and grow your business in resonance with your own nervous system, tapping into what nervous system business growth means for you. So we are currently enrolling in waitlist enrollment for this program. And we are in early bird pricing at 777 per month. And inside of this program, you receive not only incredibly valuable learning content on the how tos of how to market sell, launch, create in your business, in resonance with your nervous system in resonance with nervous system business growth. You also receive live group coaching calls with me on a monthly basis, where I support you to integrate this into your unique energy into your unique nervous system business blueprint. And in addition to that, we also have live nervous system expansion sessions, which is just like incredible, where you can show up and do this reweaving work in your nervous system, both from a healing and expansion perspective that allows you to attune to the ecosystem of your business. And that allows you to rewire your relationship within the ecosystem of your business for more easeful launches, for really more magnetism with how you attract clients, right for more powerful messaging that comes from the essence of you.

    So it's really going to shift the way that you not only feel but the way that you also do and take action in your business. You can think of The Body Codex as like your somatic business membership community, that gives you all of the tools, all of the practices, all of the space group coaching space to truly learn and embody, how to do this inside of your business, and how to relieve the way that you work and do. So if this is something that you're feeling tingles with, as you're tuning in and listening to me, I want to encourage you to click the link below hop on to the waitlist, and it will give you all the information you need to join us.

    Thank you so much for tuning into this week's podcast. We do still have our giveaway happening right now. So if the podcast is resonating for you, if my work is resonating for you, I want to invite you into the giveaway and I Um, the giveaway is you can leave us a review on iTunes, screenshot that review, send it to support@anakinkela.com. And you'll be entered to win one of $12,000 worth of prizes, which can also include a membership to The Body Codex for an entire year. So I want to invite you into that and thank you so much for tuning in.

Join Body Codex

If this podcast episode resonated for you, then you are going to love The Body Codex, a somatic business incubator that supports you to grow and scale with Nervous System Business Growth™. We are in early bird enrollment for this program, and it starts in January 2023. You can click here to access the waitlist: www.anakinkela.com/body-codex-waitlist

Join Nectar

If this podcast episode resonated for you, then you are going to love my signature program Nectar. We are currently actively enrolling for our January 2023 cohort. Nectar is my offering for entrepreneurs at any level (including multi-6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs) who wish to heal the receiving wound and expand their receiving paradigm to receive money from a place of ease and pleasure. Nectar is a beautiful 5-month healing portal with group healing and integration calls to integrate your healing with money into your business. This program interweaves somatic work, womb expansion, shadow work, quantum medicine, and energetic alchemy to shift how you receive in your business and life. Spots go fast for this program, so if you’re feeling the pull, I encourage you to register and step into the program now!


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